7 Effective Ways to Improve Quality Control

Ensure that industrial quality control is essential to guarantee that the products that reach the market are within the pre-established standard of excellence.

Organizations that are clear about this process can quickly identify and correct faults. Preventing them from reaching the final consumer and, therefore, generating some kind of dissatisfaction.

But how do you carry out an industrial quality control that is, in fact, efficient? In this article, we will show you seven tips that will help you in this task.

Failures can appear at any stage of production, including the final one. In this case, you may have to throw a lot in the trash.

And, with it, everything that was spent in terms of time, energy, and raw materials. That is to say: total loss! Not to mention, the delay can create problems with your client.

This is just one example of a lack of quality control can cause. There are also other unpleasant situations, such as:

-Need to recall;
-Return or maintenance during the product warranty period;
-Merchandise with lower quality than promised;

These factors can also affect the image of the factory. That, in addition to reinventing itself to guarantee quality in its production, it will have to face a brand crisis.

Performing quality control is not an easy task. However, by following some good practices, the chances of success increase substantially. Find out what they are:

Customer satisfaction must be the primary goal of all sectors. However, this objective is not limited to offering a quality product, although it is essential. You must also:

  • Understand the needs of your customers;
  • Offer products that solve problems efficiently;
  • Use quality raw material;
  • Have organized logistics and distribution;
  • Standardize customer service, especially after-sales

All these actions must also be carried out with excellence. Since they also influence the image that people have of your brand.

Managers must be able to listen, delegate, and motivate tend to form much more engaged teams. And since industrial quality control requires precisely that, this profile is essential in your industry.

Therefore, look for professionals who have leadership skills can cause:

As mentioned, it is impossible to achieve the desired quality standards without the support of officials. Therefore, the adoption of measures that favor their development should be a priority.

You can create training and motivation programs. And yet, offer rewards for exceeded objectives.

A communicating team tends to be much more efficient. Doubts are quickly cleared up, leaving no room for ambiguity.

Therefore, encourage the exchange of information. Even between leaders and their officials. Therefore, they will also feel part of the business, directly impacting their performance.

One thing is for sure: there is nothing so perfect that it cannot be improved. This means that, although a standard has been created for the purchase of raw materials, for example, it must be reviewed periodically.

The market and needs change frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor this dynamic.

Errors are common in any company. However, they should not be seen as inevitable, but as something to fight against.

This does not mean that you should punish your officials. But, you must identify the failures promptly and look for alternatives to stop them from occurring. This is part of a constant development that goes hand in hand with industrial quality control.

It is necessary, for example, to ensure that only quality raw materials are being purchased and that there are no flaws in the production process.

In addition, we must ensure that the merchandise reaches the customer in good condition and within the validity period. And yet it is competitive in the market.

All these factors must be taken into account when carrying out quality control. A failure in one of them can negatively affect customer satisfaction.

At Nexon Automation we can help you automate your quality control system, obtaining parameters of excellence.

Contact us info@nexonautomation.com